Double Download Credits on Guitar Samples in May!

We're excited to announce that May is Guitar Month here at Sample Focus! Showcase your amazing guitar sounds and earn double the download credits.

Throughout May, you'll earn double the download credits for every high-quality guitar sample you contribute. You earn 8 credits per sample, giving you more opportunities to access the Sample Focus library.

No matter your style, we want to hear it all! From searing electric leads to delicate acoustic strums, let your creativity flow and share your unique sounds.

Rock Classic Guitar Riffs
Rock Classic Guitar Riffs collection of audio samples. electric guitar, guitar, and loop

Here's how to participate:

Go to upload on the top nav of Sample Focus.

  • Format: Submit your samples in WAV format, with a maximum file size of 20MB.
  • Naming: Choose descriptive names that accurately reflect the sound, like "Funky Electric Riff" instead of "Guitar Riff 1."
  • Categorization: Select the appropriate main category (e.g., Guitar) and any relevant sub-categories (e.g., Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar).
  • Tagging: Use relevant tags to make your samples easily discoverable. Check out the suggested glossary and add your own creative tags.
  • Quality: Ensure your samples are free of silence, glitches, and other issues. Duplicate submissions will not be accepted.
Jazz Guitar Riffs
Jazz Guitar Riffs collection of audio samples. electric guitar, guitar, and jazz

This is your chance to earn valuable credits and become part of the Sample Focus community.

You'll receive a 2x multiplier on all published guitar samples. That means you can earn 8 download credits for every high-quality guitar sound you contribute.

So start recording and let's make May a month filled with awesome guitar sounds!

Warm Guitars Loops
Warm Guitars Loops collection of audio samples. acoustic guitar, guitar, and loop