Introducing Download Credits

Today we're rolling out a new download credit system on Sample Focus. This means that unlimited downloads will no longer be available if you do not contribute to the library. The intention here is to help grow our library to ultimately benefit you.
The way the system is designed is as follows:
Every Monday your account will be topped up to 20 credits. Every sound you download will subtract 1 credit from your account. If you'd like to download more than 20 samples a week, you're encouraged to upload and thoroughly tag new sounds which will then earn you 4 credits per sound as soon as it is approved by a moderator.
This moderation process should be fairly quick. You'll get an email notification as soon as those shiny new credits are in your account.
So to sum it up:
- If you drop below 20 download credits, you'll be replenished back to 20 credits every Monday for free.
- You earn 4 credits for every upload that is approved.
- You can re-download a sound you've already spent a credit on as many times as you want.
- Credits do not expire.
While we're still in beta we're giving new and existing users a bonus gift of credits for a limited time. The longer you've been with us the better the gift - so check your account to see what you've got!
Lastly, since this kind of system is a first for us we're open to changing these numbers in the future to best serve the community. Let us know what you think in the comments!